Yonat Sharon - CV


Expert iOS Developer


Professional Experience

Freelance iOS Developer - 9 years

Tech Lead at Elementrix - 2 years

Software Engineer at Rafael - 3 years

Programmer at Scitex - 1 year


Academic: Non-academic:


Yonat Sharon - CV


Expert iOS Developer


  1. #43 Shopping in Germany
  2. 1.5M downloads, 4.6 stars
  3. 100K downloads
    Emergency response
  4. IoT AgTech
  5. Productivity
  6. Wearable Health-Tech
  7. Wearable Health-tech

Yonat Sharon - CV


Expert iOS Developer

Open Source

Contributor and maintainer. For more, see https://github.com/yonat.

  1. UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, snap intervals, value labels, either vertical or horizontal.

    Swift 296 83

  2. Step-by-step progress view with labels and shapes. A good replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView.

    Swift 296 23

  3. UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images.

    Swift 269 57

  4. The missing iOS radio buttons group.

    Swift 182 29

  5. Simple single-selection or multiple-selection checklist, based on UITableView.

    Swift 109 16

  6. Multiple state tap-to-toggle UIButton (like old camera flash button)

    Swift 82 14

  7. UICollectionViewCell with checkbox when it isSelected and empty circle when not - like Photos.app "Select" mode.

    Swift 61 10

  8. Show camera layer as a background to any UIView.

    Swift 61 8